Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Healthy Valentines Day!

Valentines Day is just a couple of days away!  For those looking for ideas that aren’t candy, there are other options!  If you are spending your day with a loved one, think outside the box!  Focus on the actual meaning and forget the candy…this could end up being more exciting anyway!  Start the day with a great workout with your loved one.  Working out together is motivating, fun and not to mention a healthy start to your day.  Go to a movie or plan a road trip could be other great ideas to do together.  Plan a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Having it planned makes it much easier to follow and if you already bought the ingredients you have motivation to actually make it.  Everyone wants a dessert on Valentines Day so don’t stop here.  Just plan a healthy one.  Use fruits and dark chocolate!  Sugar free candies or sugar free ice cream can be alternatives as well.  There are many options for healthy meals and sugar free desserts on  Check it out!

Don't forget your children!  I am sure you are trying to be creative and do something different...we all try, but end up with the standard conversation hearts attached to a card!  If you are looking for creative alternatives to sweets for your child’s classroom, there are many ideas out there!  Check out to find many great ideas! These are great ideas that your children and their friends will enjoy.  Just remember, they will get plenty of candy and will appreciate getting something different.

Happy Healthy Valentines Day!

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